Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 4 Exercise Again and Again

1.Where can you find information about Nobel Prize? Who get the Nobel Prize this year?


The Nobel Prize (Swedish: Nobelpriset) is a Swedish & International monetary prize, established by the 1895 will and estate of Swedish chemist and inventor Alfred Nobel. It was first awarded in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace in 1901. An associated prize, The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, was instituted by Sweden's central bank in 1968 and first awarded in 1969.[1] The Nobel Prizes in the specific disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature) and the Prize in Economics, which is commonly identified with them, are widely regarded as the most prestigious award one can receive in those fields.[1] The Nobel Peace Prize conveys social prestige and is often politically controversial.

2. Go to Encyclopedia Online at Search for the history of autobiles or computer. Summarize the informaiton you get.

Call No.

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TL 152 .D84A 1978
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Main Library
TL 152 .D84A 1978
C. 2
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Main Library
TL 152 .D84A 1978
C. 3
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3.What is the different between general book and reference book?

-The distinction between a book and a reference book can be confusing. Some books that you might "reference" are still considered "books" for the purposes of citation. For example, the MLA Handbook, APA Publication Manual, and other writing style books would be treated as "books" in your bibliography.
Reference books are used to find factual information on a subject, and are not usually read all the way through or chapter by chapter. In a K-12 library, reference books are usually located in a special reference collection area, and cannot be checked out. Reference books include dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri, almanacs, atlases, and directories.

4.When do you need to search information from the reference collection?

- Anytime when you search topics such as flowers, country any normal things.

5.What type of reference collection that you like to use most? And why?

- Dictionary I can find the definition and examples from that. when people does not know what is the meaning of the words. They usually get the thing from dictionary.

6.Copy 1 page of the book and write in the blog.
- Manual

Top Assembly
DEIMOS consists of a rotating structure supported by a cradle assembly located on the right Nasmyth platform of the Keck II telescope. DEIMOS can be moved from the science position to a storage position when not in use. The cradle is supported on rollers, driven by a tractor drive during transport and positioned on kinematic mounts for observing. The rotating structure consists of a drive disk supported by a friction drive, a shell supported on the back by a bearing and a front end that protrudes into the elevation bearing of the telescope. There is a cable wrap at the rear of the instrument to provide 730 degrees of rotation of the rotating structure. Top level assembly drawing is D0001. Drawing D0000 is a family tree of the assembly drawings and numbers. D0002 specifies DEIMOS position angles.
Electronics bays are provided on both the cradle and rotating structure. These bays are actively cooled with glycol heat exchangers. The schematic for the glycol cooling is D0800.
6-Month Preventative Maintenance
Optical Layout
The optical layout consists of the following components:
1) Front Window
2) Slit Mask System
3) Collimator Mirror
4) Tent Mirror
5) Grating System
6) Camera Assembly
7) Shutter Assembly
8) Filter Wheel Assembly
9) Dewar System

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